Thursday, February 6, 2014

Gender equality

Having 2 my two lovely ladies first I never thought there was a problem with our house being covered in pink. Of course they did play and still do play with all kinds of toys. Lucy for example chooses The Avengers, Transformers, Iron Man, or Thor for family movie nights. I have no problem with her enjoying those characters. I have never thought twice about gender equality until one afternoon Eli was putting on Lyla's Minnie Mouse slippers and Adam says "minnie mouse, buddy?!" I don't know what he was meaning by this but I assume he thought Eli shouldn't be wearing, Lyla's slippers. A light bulb went off, he wouldn't had said a thing if Lyla wore Mickey Mouse slippers so why is it a big deal Eli wears Minnie slippers. Society seems very biased, girls can like spiderman, bateman, cars, etc but when a boy likes barbies, playing with dolls or even dress up it is seen negatively. Another thing that really bugs me is the term "boyish" and "girlsish", who decides? Why do we need to decide what a specific gender can or cannot play with?

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